In a move sure to please shopping junkies—and those of us, like me, currently following eBay auctions—LG has added PayPal to the list of services offering on its smart TVs.
The company says the ability to easily make secure digital payments directly from your TV will likely spur new partnerships with companies interested in selling products or services, including entertainment, through the TV ecosystem. You can create an account, or access your existing one, by using either a standard TV remote or LG's Magic Remote and an onscreen keypad. If you like, you can choose to have PayPal "remember" you so you don't log in every time.
The real question, though, is how secure people feel using their TVs for financial transactions, such as purchases and personal banking. If you have a smart TV, we'd like to know if you'd be comfortable using PayPal directly from your TV to pay for goods and services.
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