Although Pentax announced just one new camera at this year's CES show—the 12-megapixel MX-1, $500, an advanced point-and-shoot—here's what's really made people take notice of the company: It also announced that it would be offering a new online purchasing program where buyers can customize their Pentax Q10 cameras by color.
Consumers will simply log in to a Pentax website, choose two colors (one for the body and one for the grip), and order the camera. Teal and tangerine? Why not? The Q10 will then be fulfilled in Pentax's Japan factory, painted the requested colors, and sent to the buyer. The only downside is that it will take 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.
The Q10, $600, is a 12-megapixel SLR-like mirrorless camera that is smaller than most in its class. Presently, there are six lenses in the Q-series lineup that can be used with the Q10.
Check out the video below for a preview of colorful possibilities. And check out the rest of our CES 2013 coverage.