The best washers and dryers in Consumer Reports' latest tests are typically among the most expensive, so if you want a matching dryer for your new washer you might have to spend lots of money to do loads of laundry. You'll pay about $3,100 for our top-rated front-loader, a Samsung, and its matching electric dryer. But if your budget is around $1,500 or less, take a look at the pairs that did well in our tests and that won't break the bank.
About six out of 10 buyers choose a matching washer and dryer, with coordinated styling and special pricing that helps move these mates. "Before you give up on your dryer consider that most of the improvements in performance and efficiency are found on washers," says Emilio Gonzalez, an engineer who runs Consumer Reports' tests of laundry appliances. He adds that if you're set on a matching duo, in general it's smart to select your washer first and then the dryer. Here's a glimpse of five matching pairs. Six of the 10 models made our Recommended list, a list that includes CR Best Buys, but all of these washers and dryers were impressive at cleaning or drying. For details on their performance and features, see our Ratings of washers and dryers.
LG duos
The LG WT4801C[W], $700, is a high-efficiency top-loader and one of the few that did an excellent job getting our laundry clean. It's a CR best Buy. The matching electric dryer, DLE4801[W], $680, was superb at drying but relatively noisy, a consideration if placing near bedrooms or living space. Gas dryer model is DLG4802[W].
If you prefer a front-loading washer, LG's WM2250C[W], $720, was superb overall but relatively noisy. Its matching electric dryer, the DLE2250[W], $800, aced drying. Both machines are CR Best Buys. The gas dryer is DLG2251[W].
Kenmore couple
The Kenmore 2800[2] high-efficiency top-loader, $800, and its matching electric dryer, 6800[2], $700, are CR Best Buys and offer large capacities. The top-loading washer was impressive at washing but relatively noisy. Its mate was excellent at drying. Gas dryer model is 7800[2].
Maytag mates
Among front-loaders, the Maytag Performance Series 2000 MHWE201Y, $630, offers impressive wash performance and a large capacity, but is relatively noisy. Its matching dryer, Performance Series MEDE201Y, $750, was impressive in all tests. Gas dryer model is MGDE201Y.
Whirlpool pair
A CR Best Buy, the Whirlpool Cabrio WTW5600X[W] is a $750 high-efficiency top-loader that did a very good job getting our laundry clean and its normal wash time is a brisk 45 minutes. Its mate is WED5600X, an electric dryer, $600 (gas dryer is WGD5500X. But note that both the washer and dryer were relatively noisy.
Have a bigger budget? Then check our list of 10 matching washers and dryers that cleaned up in our tests. And if you're planning on moving your laundry to a living area of your home, check advice from our experts in Laundry rooms move out of the basement.