We are in the season of festivities, with many celebrations for the holidays and New Year's. But the sobering reality is that it's also a time of year when many people die on our roads due to drunk driving.
In 2011, 9,878 people were killed in alcohol-related car crashes, including 395 during the second half of December alone. That is a decline of 2.5 percent for the year, but it still accounts for about a third of all traffic deaths.
Twenty-seven states saw a decrease in alcohol-related fatalities for the year. Texas, New York, South Carolina, and Tennessee had declines of 30 or more fatalities compared to 2010. However, three states had increases of 30 or more--Colorado, Florida, and New Jersey. While there was a small decline overall last year, drunk driving continues to plague our nation's roads.
To help curb dangerous behavior, there is a seasonal drunk-driving campaign "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" running nationwide through the new year. Police will be out in force conducting traffic stops to catch offenders and spreading the word that drinking and driving don't mix.
Here are some tips to keep in mind as you celebrate the holiday season: