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* Many of the biologics require several shots initially, followed by a maintenance period. The frequency listed in this table is the maintenance schedule. Your doctor should not prescribe a biologic if you have an active infection. He or she might also decide not to prescribe a biologic if:
![]() Some doctors recommend biologics before trying prednisone because of the risk of becoming “steroid dependent”—unable to stop prednisone without a flare-up in symptoms. But other doctors point out that not enough is known about the long-term benefits and side effects of starting out with a biologic. It is the case that most studies of biologics have involved people who didn’t find relief with other medication, so we don’t know very much about the pros and cons of starting on a biologic before other medications. Biologics and prednisone provide quick relief, but biologics can be used for longer periods of time, whereas prednisone should only be used for short periods. One strategy that doctors sometimes use is to have a patient begin using a biologic or prednisone for immediate relief and start azathioprine or mercaptopurine (both of which can take several months to work) at the same time to prevent recurrent symptoms. In studies, the combination of the biologic infliximab and azathioprine provided better clinical symptoms relief than either medication alone, although patients reported that their quality of life was similar with combination or single medication use. ![]() Your choice of a biologic should take a number of factors into account, including the length of time the treatment is effective, risks of side effects, and your preferences regarding how the biologic is given, and how often. It’s good to know that how people respond to the drug can be different: some people experience a vast improvement in their symptoms and function, some see moderate changes, and others see little or no improvement at all. Cost is another important consideration. These drugs are very expensive, ranging in price from $2,099 per month to more than $5,000. For many people, insurance may not cover the full cost. Check with your insurance to figure out what your coverage will be, including the any charges related to administering the medication if you must go to a hospital or medical center to get it. Which drug you begin with is important. If the first biologic you take works well and has minimal or tolerable side effects, it is generally not advisable to switch to another one because interrupting the scheduled treatments while the new biologic is taking effect increases the risk of a relapse. But if you do not do well on the first biologic you’re prescribed, your doctor might try a higher doses, give you the medication more often, or switch you to a different biologic. Higher and more frequent doses have not been adequately studied, though, and may not be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Those who have little or no improvement should try a different biologic or may need to consider other treatment options, such as surgery. Table 3. Important considerations for selecting a biologic
![]() There’s no clear indication that one biologic is more effective than the others. It’s also not known how biologics compare to each other in terms of effectiveness because no clinical studies have directly compared them. Instead, we must rely on studies that have compared each biologic to a placebo or to a combination of the biologic and another medication, but those results don’t allow us to reliably determine how the drugs might compare with each other. It’s also impossible to predict how a particular person will respond. Some people experience a major improvement in their symptoms while others see no benefit. Balancing the benefit and harm is particularly challenging because there’s a lack of long-term data on the safety of biologics from controlled trials. All biologics are currently being studied in large registries of patients that are intended to address long-term safety. But serious problems can take years to show up. The two oldest biologics—infliximab (Remicade) and adalimumab (Humira)—have the most extensive evidence because they have in use the longest. Even for these, there is a lack of evidence for long-term safety at the higher doses and increased dosage frequency that are often used today. There are also fewer data for ulcerative colitis than for Crohn’s disease. That said, here is what the available evidence shows about the biologics evaluated. Ulcerative ColitisFour biologics—adalimumab, golimumab, infliximab, and vedolizumab—are approved for treating moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. In clinical trials, about 35 percent of people with ulcerative colitis treated with infliximab achieved remission, compared with 15 percent to 30 percent of those who took a placebo. For adalimumab and golimumab, 16 to 19 percent achieved remission, versus about 10 percent of patients who took a placebo. Beyond clinical trials, some patients achieve remission with more frequent dosing of infliximab than was used in the trials, so the rates of remission in practice might be better than has been seen in the studies. The rates of people who remained in remission a year after they started a biologic ranged from 17 percent to 30 percent. People who took a biologic and achieved remission were about twice as likely to maintain the remission as those taking placebo. Several meta-analyses that looked at whether any of the four biologics for ulcerative colitis are more effective than the others have had conflicting results. Some indicated that infliximab may be more likely to induce a remission than adalimumab, but others found that all four are about equally effective. The bottom line is that until a head-to-head trial is performed directly comparing biologics to each other, the choice of a biologic for ulcerative colitis should depend on the serious side effects it can cause, the chance of discontinuing the drug due to side effects, cost, and your preference regarding the route and frequency of treatment. Crohn’s DiseaseBiologics have been shown to help relieve Crohn’s disease symptoms and induce remission. In clinical trials, 26 percent to 57 percent of people who were treated with a biologic achieved remission, compared with 12 percent to 30 percent of those who received a placebo. Five biologics are approved for Crohn’s disease—adalimumab, certolizumab, infliximab, natalizumab, and vedolizumab. Table 4 presents a summary of the evidence regarding how quickly the biologics work and whether a remission will last. At two weeks after the first dose of a biologic, up to 47 percent of people were in remission compared with up to 30 percent of those who received placebo. According to network meta-analyses, among injectable biologics, adalimumab may be superior to certolizumab for inducing remission right away. For people in remission, continuing a biologic helped maintain remission compared with those who took a placebo. With infliximab, adalimumab, certolizumab, and natalizumab, remission rates were 30 percent to 60 percent after 1 year of treatment compared with 12 percent to 44 percent among people who took a placebo. It’s less clear if the remission is maintained at a year or more because many studies failed to report those results. Based on the limited data available, perhaps one in three people, or about 33 percent are still in remission at 1 year. Table 4. Effectiveness of biologics for Crohn’s disease.
Age, race, and gender differencesPeople older than 65 and members of various ethnic groups have been underrepresented in most studies of biologics. Still, the existing evidence doesn’t indicate that any biologic evaluated in this report is more or less effective than the other biologics in older patients, people of any particular race or sex, or in patients who have other diseases. But some studies suggest that there are more complications in older people so your doctor may be less likely to prescribe a biologic in combination with another immunosuppressive medication if you are older. A note about two other drugs: Tysabri and EntyvioTysabri has been associated with a serious brain infection called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in about 1 per 1000 patients. This can cause severe disability or death. Because of this risk, Tysabri is available only through a special program called TOUCH. Only prescribers, infusion centers, and pharmacies registered with the program are allowed to prescribe, distribute, and infuse Tysabri. In May 2014, the FDA approved a new biologic, Entyvio, for treating ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. A recent meta-analysis indicates that Entyvio is as effective as other biologics for ulcerative colitis. But it might have a safety advantage because it works directly on the cells in the intestine. Other biologics suppress the immune system throughout the whole body, which is why they are associated with serious infections. But Entyvio works in a similar way as Tysabri, so the FDA was concerned whether Entyvio might also cause PML. So far, no patients taking Entyvio have developed PML. ![]() The risk of experiencing side effects is an important factor to consider when choosing to take a biologic drug. The mild side effects associated with these medications can include:
Serious side effects can include:
Here’s what we know about specific kinds of side effects and each drug.
Skin reactions where you are given the drugFor biologics that are injected under the skin (subcutaneously)—adalimumab, certolizumab (Cimzia), (Humira), and golimumab (Simponi)—people occasionally experience skin rashes, itching, and pain where the drug is injected. Infusion reactions
People also sometimes experience reactions to biologic drugs injected into a vein (infusion), such as infliximab (Remicade), natalizumab (Tysabri), and vedolizumab (Entyvio). These infusion reactions can include dizziness, chills, skin rashes, itching, headache, and fever. In less than 1 percent of people, these infusion reactions can be severe. Infliximab has a higher risk of people discontinuing treatment due to side effects compared with adalimumab and golimumab. Infusion or allergic reactions contributed to the increased risk of discontinuation. ![]() Infections
All of the biologics carry warnings on their labeling about serious infections. About three percent to four percent of people who take a biologic drug have an infection of some kind over the course of a year. Most of these are skin or lung infections including bronchitis or pneumonia. The additional risk of a serious infection from taking a biologic for up to two years is about 1 in 100. The risk of most serious infections is about the same or less than the risk from prednisone. There are differences in the biologic drugs in the risk of certain infections they pose. For example, a British study found the relative risk of tuberculosis was three to four times higher for people who took adalimumab (Humira) and infliximab (Remicade) compared with another biologic etanercept (Enbrel). However, the rate of risk is a fairly low number—about one out of every 10,000 to 20,000 people who take a biologic. If you have signs of an infection while taking a biologic, call or see your doctor right away. These include having the chills, a cough, diarrhea, feeling tired, a fever, muscle aches, and weight loss. CancerAll six of the biologics we evaluated have a warning on their drug label that they might increase the risk of certain cancers, including cancers of the breast and colon, lymphoma (a type of blood cancer), and certain types of skin cancers. In some cases, people have died from the cancer. But large, recent studies of people who took biologics for a variety of conditions have found no overall increased risk of developing cancers that can spread through the body (malignant), compared with people with the same diseases who did not take biologics. Other side effectsPeople with serious congestive heart failure might worsen if they take a biologic. Some people develop a “lupus-like reaction” or signs of possible early multiple sclerosis. In almost all cases, these immune reactions disappear when the biologic is stopped. Long-term risks of older biologics have not been identified. The first biologic—infliximab (Remicade)—has been on the market since 1998, and many experts think that long-term risks would have been detected by now. But for the newer drugs, serious problems can take 5 years or more to recognize, so there is not as much certainty about the long-term risks of those. The long-term risks of corticosteroids, in contrast, are quite serious and often affect multiple parts of the body. ![]() Reducing riskTo reduce the risk of side effects, let your doctor know if you have:
You must get a test for tuberculosis and hepatitis before you can start a biologic. Also notify your doctor if you have been around a person with chicken pox, shingles, or tuberculosis, or if you are scheduled to receive a vaccine or have surgery. The risk of biologics to unborn babies is unknown. Women of child-bearing age should use contraception while on biologics. Your doctor may ask you if you are thinking of becoming pregnant before you start a biologic. If you are planning to become pregnant, talk with your doctor about when to stop using contraception and biologics. The labeling of biologics advises these medications not be used by pregnant women unless necessary. If you do become pregnant while taking a biologic, your doctor may tell you to continue to take the biologic while monitoring you and your baby closely. Large international registries have not shown an increase in the risk of birth defects in women on biologic therapy. Drug interactions
Biologics are often prescribed with additional drugs: azathioprine, mercaptopurine, or methotrexate. The chance of remission is higher with the combination than with a biologic alone. And the addition of one of those medications reduces the chance of developing antibodies to the biologic, and the chance of an infusion or injection-site reaction. But the long-term risks of combined therapy aren’t clear. There have been reports of people, particularly boys, who developed a rare, fatal cancer when using this combination of drugs, but little is known about how often this problem occurs or whether the duration of treatment affects the risk. The combination of a biologic with azathioprine or mercaptopurine was more common in cases of the fatal cancer, so methotrexate is often used in boys and men. There is some evidence that when prednisone is taken with a biologic, the risk of fatal infection is higher than it is with taking just a biologic. So the goal is to taper off using prednisone as the biologic starts to work. Once you’ve stopped taking the prednisone, the risk of infection is lower. You should not take two or more biologics in combination. Studies show that when more than one biologic is taken at the same time, there is a substantially higher rate of serious adverse events. Because biologics affect your immune system, it’s recommended that you not be immunized with ‘live’ vaccines, such as the yellow fever vaccine or FluMist, while you are on biologic therapy. But in certain situations, a live vaccine may be necessary, for example, rubella immunization for women of childbearing age. Your doctor may recommend that you make sure to get all of your vaccines when you are treated for mild disease, before you take a biologic. Other vaccines, such as injected flu vaccines, are safe and can be administered with biologic medication. Discuss with your doctor any vaccines you plan to receive and read the package insert of the biologic you are taking—which can be found here. ![]() We chose adalimumab (Humira) as a Best Buy for people who decide with their doctor that a biologic is appropriate for treating their Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms. This drug has been shown to start to relieve symptoms within two weeks and can keep you in remission for at least one year according to multiple trials. Humira has been in use for 12 years so it has a longer track record than some of the newer biologics. Humira might have a lower risk of side effects compared to some biologics, such as Remicade and Cimzia. People who are comfortable administering shots to themselves and do not want to travel to a hospital or medical center also might prefer Humira, which can be given as a self-administered injection at home. As noted, insurance coverage might be an important factor. Check to find out what your plan covers and what your out-of-pocket costs will be. Adalimumab (Humira) costs nearly $3,200 per month depending on the dose if you paid the cost in full. You may also incur additional expenses, such as administration and office visit fees, so check with your insurance to find out how much you will have to pay out of pocket. Many of the biologics manufacturers offer programs that provide the medication for free or for a small co-pay of $5 or $10 for a limited-time, such as 6 months or a year. Be sure to read the fine print. There are various criteria you must meet to qualify, such as having insurance. You’re likely not eligible if you use Medicare, Medicaid or any other federal insurance. These programs may also help provide discounted medication if you have a gap in your insurance coverage. You can find information about the programs by visiting the websites for the various medications or asking your doctor. The easiest way to find them is to do a Internet search for the brand name of the medication. Our evaluation is based in part on an independent scientific review of the studies and research literature on therapies for Crohn’s disease conducted by a team of physicians and researchers at Johns Hopkins University Evidence-Based Practice Center. A synopsis of the EPC’s analysis of biologic drugs forms the basis for this report. A consultant to Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs who has no financial interest in any pharmaceutical company or product prepared the synopsis. The full review of biologic drugs to treat Crohn’s disease is available here. (This is a long and technical document written for physicians and other medical researchers.) The consultant also evaluated other independent, comprehensive systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The monthly costs we cite were obtained from a health-care information company that tracks the sales of prescription drugs in the U.S. Prices for a drug can vary quite widely. All the prices in this report are national averages based on sales in retail outlets only. They reflect the cash price paid for a month’s supply of each drug in June 2014. Consumer Reports selected the Best Buy Drugs using the following criteria. The drug had to: · Be approved by the FDA to treat either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. · Be as effective as other biologics (or more effective) when prescribed appropriately according to FDA guidelines, based on published randomized controlled trials. · Have a safety record equal to or better than other biologics when prescribed appropriately. The Consumers Reports Best Buy Drugs methodology is described in more detail in the Methods section at www.CRBestBuyDrugs.org. 1. Ashwin N. Ananthakrishnan. Environmental Triggers for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 2013. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2013 January; 15(1): 302. doi: 10.1007/s11894-012-0302-4 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23250702. 2. Ford AC, et al. Efficacy of biological therapies in inflammatory bowel disease: systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Gastroenterol. Apr 2011;106(4):644-659, quiz 660. 3. Hutfless S, Almashat, S, Berger Z, et al. Pharmacologic Therapies for the Management of Crohn’s Disease: Comparative Effectiveness. Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 131. (Prepared by Johns Hopkins Evidence-based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2007-10061-I.) AHRQ Publication No. 14-EHC012-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; February 2014. www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/reports/final.cfm. 4. Nicholas J. Talley, et al. for the American College of Gastroenterology IBD Task Force. Am J Gastroenterol 2011; 106:S2 – S25; doi: 10.1038/ajg.2011.58. 5. R. W. Stidham*, T. C. H. Lee†, P. D. R. Higgins*, A. R. Deshpande‡, D. A. Sussman‡, A. G. Singal§, B. J. Elmunzer*, S. D. Saini*,¶, S. Vijan†,¶ & A. K. Waljee*,¶ Systematic review with network meta-analysis: the efficacy of anti-tumour necrosis factor-alpha agents for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2014; 39: 660–671. 6. Stidham RW, Lee TC, Higgins PD, Deshpande AR, Sussman DA, Singal AG, Elmunzer BJ, Saini SD, Vijan S, Waljee AK. Systematic review with network meta-analysis: the efficacy of anti-tumour necrosis factor-alpha agents for the treatment of ulcerative colitis.Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Feb 9; PMID: 24506179. 7. Thorlund K, Druyts E, Mills EJ, Fedorak RN, Marshall JK. Adalimumab versus infliximab for the treatment of moderate to severe ulcerative colitis in adult patients naïve to anti-TNF therapy: an indirect treatment comparison meta-analysis. J Crohns Colitis. 2014 Jul 1;8(7):571-81. doi: 10.1016/j.crohns.2014.01.010. Epub 2014 Feb 1. These materials are made possible by a grant from the state Attorney General Consumer and Prescriber Education Grant Program, which is funded by the multistate settlement of consumer-fraud claims regarding the marketing of the prescription drug Neurontin (gabapentin). Consumer Reports has no relationship with any advertisers or sponsors on this website. Copyright © 2006-2014 Consumers Union of U.S. |
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