Q. My feet always swell when I fly on a plane. Is that dangerous?
A. Usually not. But if it persists for more than a few hours after landing, especially if it’s accompanied by calf pain, call your doctor right away, because it could indicate a potentially dangerous blood clot. Many factors can cause your feet or ankles to swell during air travel, including prolonged sitting in cramped quarters, low air pressure, and salty airplane snacks. You can help prevent it by walking in the aisle periodically during the flight, moving your feet and ankles while you’re in your seat, passing on the pretzels, and drinking plenty of water. And try to book an aisle seat to make it easier to stretch and stand.
Looking for healthier snacks to bring on the plane? Read our recent review of 30 better-for-you crackers.
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This article appeared in the April 2014 issue of Consumer Reports on Health.
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