Sony has announced that it's releasing a new, thinner version of the PlayStation Vita, its mobile gaming device, this spring. The Vita is especially appealing to owners of the PlayStation 4, who can use the handheld device to play games that they stream from the console over a wireless network.
Sony may be pushing out this redesigned version to bring extra attention to the Vita, especially hot on the heels of the successful PS4 launch. At $200, the new Vita will come bundled with Borderlands 2 and an 8GB memory card.
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Sony says the new Vita will be 20 percent slimmer than the original, and 15 percent lighter. Battery life is better, too, says the company, at 4 to 6 hours. The new Wi-Fi-only Vita will feature a 5-inch LCD touch screen.
While the new Vita is slimmer and lighter with better battery life, bear in mind that there's a tradeoff: The original Vita had an OLED screen as opposed to the new Vita's LCD screen. OLED screens have better black levels, viewing angles and fewer issues with motion.
—Matt Ferretti
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