October is when the Nobel Prizes are announced. And while the newly announced winners in medicine, physics, chemistry, and literature may or may not pique your interest, a study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine about the prizes just might, especially if you're a fan of chocolate.
The study, "Chocolate Consumption, Cognitive Function, and Nobel Laureates," found a close correlation between a given country's overall chocolate consumption and the per-capita number of Nobel laureates from that country.
"Chocolate consumption enhances cognitive function, which is a sine qua non for winning the Nobel Prize," note the study authors, who add, "it remains to be determined whether the consumption of chocolate is the underlying mechanism for the observed association with improved cognitive function."
If you have a sweet tooth and want to try to boost your own brain power, find out which chocolates took the prize in our taste tests.
Chocolate Consumption, Cognitive Function, and Nobel Laureates [NEJM]