In the new film “American Hustle,” a comedy-drama about a con man, his cunning mistress, and an elaborate FBI sting set in the late 1970s, Jennifer Lawrence plays a glamorous nutcake who’s a danger to tough guys and to things with plugs. So when her husband warns her not to put any metal in their new “science oven”—a microwave—of course she does just that.
Lawrence plays a feisty Rosalyn Rosenfeld and her microwave scene is so good that it made the Huffington Post’s list of 17 Best Movie Moments of 2013. In this scene, Lawrence puts an aluminum tray covered with aluminum foil in the microwave, closes the door, and within seconds the door blasts open and flames shoot out, leaving a cabinet charred and her young son running. She blames the science oven for this and more, but as home wreckers go, this one’s certain she’s always right.
“American Hustle” has racked up a lot of Golden Globe nominations. Much shorter and lighter on the drama, our video offers tips on what you should know before you buy a microwave. And here's our list of top microwave picks.
—Kimberly Janeway
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