Promising "One user experience," allowing drivers to bring their music, contacts, and smart phone apps into their car as seamlessly as possible, Jaguar and Land Rover announced their In-Control Apps system at the Consumer Telematics Show in Las Vegas.
Packed with a suite of apps, including Internet radio, navigation, traffic, parking info, news, and more, In-Control Apps is compatible with Android and iOS devices. The system includes a smart-phonelike interface, with pinch and scroll functionality, to provide users with a familiar experience when using the vehicle’s touch screen to access the apps.
Jaguar/Land Rover said one of its goals was to mirror the look and feel of apps on a user’s phone, making the system as easy to use as possible with minimal distraction.
In-Control Apps was developed by the automotive electronics supplier Bosch, which also announced its own branded version of the system, dubbed MySpin. Bosch said it was in talks with several other carmakers that are interested in offering their own rendition.
Pricing and further details were not announced at CTS, but the carmaker will be offering demonstrations of In-Control Apps at CES 2014 this week. We’ll check it out.
—Jim Travers
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